FALA's Contract Manufacturing business also provides Consumable Products for manufacturing process line equipment. For nearly three decades, FALA has supplied Consumable Products to leading international semiconductor manufacturers, including IBM, Micron, AMD and Philips, to name a few. FALA's Consumable Products are replacement parts used not only for Preventive Maintenance (PM) but also to improve high technology process operations. Our products prolong the life of and maximize our customers' Return on Investment (ROI) in technology. When chip fabs and Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs) come to FALA to improve their process equipment, they want to solve technology problems while reducing costs. We like to work with the customer and the OEM in a joint partnership to tackle problems as a team. The process of solving these problems leads to the creation of technologies that often result in the need for Consumable Products, manufactured by FALA in conjunction with the OEMs and sold directly to the customer. Consumable Products fall into two categories: |